29 Jan 2010 CICS Adend Codes :- Execute Interface Block and cics abend codes. Some of the more AEIO. indicates a duplicate key (DUPKEY) condition.
Resolution: First, check that the CICS region has been defined with auto install active for programs. In the CICS region, issue CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM and assure "Progautoinst(Autoactive )". MOVE ‘CEND’ TO ABEND-CODE. EXEC CICS ABEND ABCODE (ABEND-CODE) END-EXEC. where ABEND-CODE is an X(4) variable defined in the working storage to which any 4 letter code can be moved. The code should not start with letter ‘A’ because CICS abend codes always start with ‘A’.
The code should not start with letter ‘A’ because CICS abend codes always start with ‘A’. EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('IESCLEAN') COMMAREA(NEPCABEG) , EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('AMSCLEAN') COMMAREA(NEPCABEG) , EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('S1SZNEPX') COMMAREA(NEPCABEG) , Occasionally one of the links fails with an AEI0 abend (program not found). Can anyone explain why this could sometimes happen? TIA When a CICS program terminates abnormally, an abnormal termination message (or just abend message) like this is sent to the terminal: DFH006I TRANSACTION DFXX PROGRAM DFXXP00A ABEND ASRA AT H400 This message indicates that the program DFXXP00A started by transaction DFXX at terminal H400 ended with an abend code of ASRA. AEI0 abend in CICS This abend occurs during CICS LINK execution due to wrong input parameter for link. E.g. AEI0 abend with PGMIDERR This • A non-CICS command has been issued via an application "stub" (expansion of a DFHRMCAL macro), and the program DFHERM has detected that the necessary non-CICS support is not available. • An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but the local SYSID has been specified in an EXEC CICS command, or vice versa.
12 DB2 Utilities 144. 13 DB2 FAQ's 146. 14 Change man Tool 154.
EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('IESCLEAN') COMMAREA(NEPCABEG) , EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('AMSCLEAN') COMMAREA(NEPCABEG) , EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM('S1SZNEPX') COMMAREA(NEPCABEG) , Occasionally one of the links fails with an AEI0 abend (program not found). Can anyone explain why this could sometimes happen? TIA
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Solving An AEI 0 Abend (continued) From the CICS Messages and Codes manual: Explanation: PGMIDERR condition not handled. This is one of a number of
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A transaction can abend with an ASRB abend code when a program issues the MVS ABEND macro. For example, BDAM issues this ABEND macro when it detects errors, rather than sending a return code to the calling program. IBM Docs
CICS - Status Codes - While working with CICS, you may encounter abends.
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AEI0 indicates a PGMIDERR. AEI9 is a MAPFAIL condition, AEIO indicates a duplicate key (DUPKEY) condition. The EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command cannot handle this abend. User Response: AEI0, PGMIDERR condition not handled.
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MOVE ‘CEND’ TO ABEND-CODE. EXEC CICS ABEND ABCODE (ABEND-CODE) END-EXEC. where ABEND-CODE is an X(4) variable defined in the working storage to which any 4 letter code can be moved. The code should not start with letter ‘A’ because CICS abend codes always start with ‘A’.
The Mainframe Software Partner for the Next 50 Years 8 Scroll down the list of CICS abends until you reach entry number 0016243.
An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but the local SYSID has been specified in an EXEC CICS command, or vice versa. An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but ISC is not supported. An EXEC CICS command contains an invalid AID or CONDITION identifier. This abend indicates that the EXEC CICS command has become corrupted.
This abend is issued by the MRO/ISC Queue Management function when canceling tasks that are waiting for remote MRO/ISC sessions. AC017C CICS Adend Codes:- Execute Interface Block and cics abend codes. Some of the more common CICS abends are briefly described below. These are only brief descriptions and do not cover all possible reasons. ASRA. This is the most common abend in CICS. It indicates a Program Check Exception, roughly equivalent to having an S0C7 in a batch program.
The system identifier is the name of the CICS system where the server program was suppose to run. The abend code may include one of the following messages: AEI0 - Server program not defined; AEI1 - Server transaction not defined. AExx abend codes.